I've learned the secret to replacing a 3D target core! It's as easy as 1-2-3!
The Secret
With 3D season winding down, your 3D targets are wearing down. If you've shot out the core, it's time to replace it so you can get ready for bow season! Jorge, my javelina target's core, gets worn down every other year or so, and in previous years I have had to use all of my strength and friends to remove that core! Well, I have finally found the secret to replacing it, using a bucket!
Tools Needed:
Target Core
The Process
Place the target over a bucket with the core lined up in the center of the bucket.
Use a sledgehammer to hammer out the old core. Let it fall into the bucket.
Use the hammer to insert the new core. Easy as 1-2-3!
Jorge, the javelina with fresh core
Now you know the secret. Time to freshen up that target and practice for bow season! Good luck with the rest of your tournament season and have a great time hunting y'all!
For more how-to and archery knowledge subscribe to my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/annathearcher